Placement Services

Assisted Living vs. Nursing Home: Which is right for you?

Assisted Living vs. Nursing Home: Which is right for you?

We have provided a comprehensive comparison between what is offered in Assisted Living settings and Nursing Home settings in the table below:

Assisted LivingNursing Home
For mobile individuals requiring some personal care and assistance with activities of daily living.For individuals requiring more extensive personal and/or medical care, who may also be immobile or have severe cognitive impairments.
The living space provided is typically in private or shared apartments with private bathrooms and kitchenettes. A common space and outside areas are also typically included.The living space provided is typically a private or shared room in a more clinical setting. A common space is typically included, but outside access is usually limited or unavailable.
The current cost in Utah ranges from around $2,795.00 to $5,450.00 per month.The current average private-pay rate in Utah is $6,908.00 per month.
Most costs are paid out of pocket, but some payment
options and assistance programs include VA Pensions and Utah Medicaid’s New Choices Waiver.
Long Term Care or Nursing Home Medicaid is the most common payment assistance once out of pocket resources are exhausted and assets are spent down.

Utah Senior Planning offers customized Medicaid planning that can help preserve assets and ensure that you or your loved one qualifies as quickly as possible. Our Medicaid professionals will guide you through the process, answering your questions along the way and ensuring you get all of the help that you deserve.

In addition to Medicaid planning, Utah Senior Planning also offers resources for placement in both Assisted Living and Nursing Home settings. We will schedule tours, go with you, answer questions, and provide a personalized experience to meet your needs.

To schedule a free consultation regarding Medicaid planning and eligibility or facility placement, you can call us at 801-546-9556, text 801-326-4862, or email

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